FUND RAISING MADE EASY iScrip is flexible and simple.
What is iScrip? iScrip was developed in 2008 by scrip coordinators who were looking for a way to simplify the scrip ordering process for both the entering of family orders and for purchasing the scrip to fill those orders. iScrip is the most updated scrip software which revolutionizes the way scrip programs are managed. iScrip is the only software of it’s kind available. Scrip2000 users will find iScrip easy to use and with many time saving features. iScrip was designed by scrip coordinators who have run a successful and growing scrip program for over 12 years and know what coordinators are looking for in their online scrip application. iScrip has helped many organizations realize and reach, or even surpass many of their financial goals.
iScrip is an online application available 24/7 for administration and maintenance wherever there is internet access.
iScrip allows the administrator to set up families with internet access to order online thus eliminating data entry work and mistakes. Uniquely though, it still gives the administrators the ability to input hard copy orders from those families who lack internet savvy or access.
iScrip allows unlimited scrip suppliers, vendors and denominations.
iScrip coordinators can maintain order details within classrooms or by student, track profit generated by each family, or classroom and generate reports.
iScrip can maintain records for tuition sharing or maintain records for your profit splits, set thresholds and management fees.
iScrip allows users to order from any or several suppliers, but if you use us, the Northwest Ohio Scrip Assn. (NOSA) as your supplier it only takes "one-click" to send your order to us eliminating any extra data entry.
iScrip is keyboard driven. You can use your mouse or touch pad to navigate the menus but inputting data on orders can be done with tab/enter and number keys. Like Scrip 2000 you can enter average orders (5-7 line items) at the rate of 3 to 4 a minute.....TRY AND DO THAT WITH A MOUSE!
iScrip’s relationship with the NOSA data base allows every update to any scrip (in denomination, percentage or availability) to be AUTOMATICALLY set up in your database with your one click approval of this change or addition. You will have an option of notifying your families with e-mail addresses automatically of these changes.
iScrip allows you to carry inventory and tells you your Quantity on hand, Quantity on Order, Quantity on Back Order as well as Total Inventory. iScrip can be set up to tell you when inventory needs attention and those standards can be different for each and every item in your inventory.
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Still allows paper scrip order forms if you do not want to require your families to go online to order.
NO NEED to create “dummy” family e-mail accounts to add orders like other applications.
NO START UP FEE like other applications.
Generates more report options and filters than all other applications combined.
Families and Scrip Coordinators automatically updated and informed whether new scrip is available or a new family signs up to join your program.
iScrip has over 12 years experience in running a scrip program (WTPSPA), setting up scrip programs (NOSA), supplying scrip to other programs (NOSA), plus the best Scrip tracking software ( Scrip2000 and Sunshine Software Solutions).
Get technical support from experts who have actually run scrip programs.
Work hand-in-hand with iScrip and NOSA to set up your program for $100 less than $100, in other words….FREE!
There is no software to install, backup or troubleshoot for problems just login, order, print reports, and start the carefree management of your scrip program! |